Saturday, June 9, 2012

The baby shower gift

 While I was making a diaper cake for my friends baby shower  I decided to cover it with cloth diapers to make it look neat and "clean" since Luvs diapers aren't exactly diaper cake worthy.  While doing so I thought of ANOTHER idea to do with the many many cloth diapers I had.  I decided to have a tissue paper free gift bag.  I used cloth diapers (burp cloths), they stick out of the bag just like tissue paper, who knew right?! THEN guess what...  I decided to dye them!  I made them different shades of VERY light pink.  I will warn you in the pictures it is hard to tell since some shades are super light and the flash is bright. SIGH! -.-  Also I used egg dye because that sadly was all I had that would actually stain the fabric because apparently the food coloring I have doesn't stain.  >.< 

hanging out in some egg dye

my slightly pink burp cloth

You can just barely see the different shades the lightest is on top and gets slightly darker at the bottom

my finished gift

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